Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Feeling Wired

The first few pointers on the website mention the kind of pencils and paper you need for different effects, such as shading or drawing darker lines, but as I'm a complete beginner - and want other complete beginners to be able to join in - I'll be using whatever pencils I find to draw on whatever paper I have lying around.

Let's begin!

The first exercise is simple. So simple, in fact, that I couldn't help but think 'What's the point?' as I was doing it. But there is a point; to get your mind and your hand working together to create what you see in front of you.

All you have to do is take a piece of wire and twist it into any sort of shape. Then, without drawing anything else around it, draw the shape of the wire on a piece of paper. That's it.

 My 'wire'. I didn't happen to be in a workshop at that second, so I used my iPod cable.

The result. A disembodied line on a piece of paper. Impressive, right?

That was pretty much it for the first exercise. 
Don't focus too much on it. Don't try to add detail. Draw.

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